T-Mat Details

Analysis and functions in T-Mat
Software Module T-RecX-Basic
- Unlimited number of signals can be displayed in each plot, unlimited number of plots can be created
- 100 million values displayed per second on a standard PC
- Cursor function with peak detection
- X-Y zoom with selectable boundaries
- Cascade display, Campbell display, Spectrogram
- Play back sound files
GPS functions
- Course representation on the basis of measured GPS data
- Interpolation, Conversions in length
Calculation functions
- Complete mathematics
- Differential and Integral, Calculus
- Absolute value
- Positive and negative signal isolation
- High- and low-pass digital filters with selectable order and corner frequency
- FIR filter with programmable filter function, no phase angle
- CFC60, CFC180, CFC600, CFC1000 filters
- Cycle duration, Counter
- Conversion between Cartesian & Polar Coordinates
- Boolean Algebra
- Floating average: mean, max and min
- A, B, C weighting filter
- Polynomic calculation
- Linearization
Signal editing
- Graphical drift correction, Line & Offset correction
- Automatic spike detection and suppression
- Signal recalculation with selectable clock rate, signal shift along time axis
- Curve shape editor, statistical analysis
- Time at Level, Level crossing, Rain Flow
- Range Pair, Rotational analysis, Damage
Video functions
- Time-synchronously presentation of up to four video streams
- Video cut inclusive related analog data
- Object tracking with report of coordinates
- Export Video and analog data into .wmv file
Signal analysis
- Power Spectral Density (PSD)
- Cross Spectral Density (CSD)
- Coherence, Order analysis, Third/Octave analysis, Transfer function
- Y sampling across any selectable signal
- X -Y Plot
- Regression
- Cross correlation
- Dynamic signal movement from cross correlation
Other functions
- Plausibility check from measured data records
- Batch analysis
- Macro function for recurrent calculation specifivation
- Layout editor for report generation:
- Create standard templates for printing plots
- Commentary editor for enter and display from text information.
- Voluminously layout creation with any pages
Data Import
- Import from different data formats with direct reader functionality
- ASCII, Binary, B&S, µ Musics, Diadago, DIADEM, E.d.a.s., MAUSY, RPC3/RSP, TurboLab, MDF, DCF, UFF58, Ist/Rigsys, Chapter10, MDF 4.1
Data export to multiple formats
- ASCII, Binary, Diadago
- E.d.a.s.Win, E.d.a.s., MatLab
- RPC3/RSP, TurboLab, UFF58
- Free MATLAB® reader for direct reading data file from MATLAB without conversion